December Muster - Building trust in a high-performing team
It’ll come as no surprise that increasing trust between team members produces a measurable increase in both team and individual effectiveness. In fact, it’s the foundation stone that every high-performing team is built upon.
Over a drink and some nibbles, we’ll be discussing the issues that confront every team leader and line manager at some point in their career:
Identifying the warning signs of a low trust environment - before it’s too late
Establishing trust when it’s the last thing they - or you - want to do
Team-building exercises that don’t suck
Making trust part of your team DNA
When: Tuesday 18th December at 6pm
Where: Hays Recruitment, Level 21, 360 Collins St, Melbourne
It’ll come as no surprise that increasing trust between team members produces a measurable increase in both team and individual effectiveness. In fact, it’s the foundation stone that every high-performing team is built upon.
Over a drink and some nibbles, we’ll be discussing the issues that confront every team leader and line manager at some point in their career:
Identifying the warning signs of a low trust environment - before it’s too late
Establishing trust when it’s the last thing they - or you - want to do
Team-building exercises that don’t suck
Making trust part of your team DNA
When: Tuesday 18th December at 6pm
Where: Hays Recruitment, Level 21, 360 Collins St, Melbourne
It’ll come as no surprise that increasing trust between team members produces a measurable increase in both team and individual effectiveness. In fact, it’s the foundation stone that every high-performing team is built upon.
Over a drink and some nibbles, we’ll be discussing the issues that confront every team leader and line manager at some point in their career:
Identifying the warning signs of a low trust environment - before it’s too late
Establishing trust when it’s the last thing they - or you - want to do
Team-building exercises that don’t suck
Making trust part of your team DNA
When: Tuesday 18th December at 6pm
Where: Hays Recruitment, Level 21, 360 Collins St, Melbourne